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Where can I find a scholarly article written by a nurse?

352 views   |   0   0   |   Last updated on Jun 28, 2016    nurse scholarly


Using the database CINAHL Plus with Full Text, there are four ways to limit your search to nurse authors:


1)  First Author is a Nurse limiter is available in the Limit Your Results menu beneath the Advanced Search screen.



To use, simply tick the First Author is a Nurse limiter box, enter your search terms in the search box, and click the Search button.


In scientific publishing, the first author is normally the person claiming most responsibility for the research.  So an article in which the first named author is a nurse has a higher probability of reflecting nursing research interests.




2)  The Any Author is a Nurse limiter is also located in the Limit Your Results menu


To use, simply tick the Any Author is a Nurse limiter box, enter your search terms in the search box, and click the Search button.




3) The Journal Subset limiter is located immediately below the Any Author is a Nurse limiter (the left column) in the Limit your results box.


To use, scroll through the list of journal subsets. Find and select the Nursing subset. Enter your search terms and click the Search button. Journal Subset restricts your search to the nursing databases (filtering out the journal literature of other allied health disciplines). The assumption informing this strategy is that nursing authors will publish at a higher frequency in scholarly nursing journals than the authors of any other health science discipline.





4)  Author Affiliation AF** is an index field option available in the drop down menus of the search box.


To search by Author Affiliation,

a) scroll down the options in the menu bar;

b) Locate and select AF Author Affiliation,

c) type nurs* into the adjacent search box,

d) enter the keywords of your search topic in another search box

e) click the Search button.



Author Affiliation searches the institutional affiliation and address field within CINAHL.

Many nurse scholars teach at or are associated with departments of nursing in institutions of higher learning. And the word "nursing" is frequently included in the department heading. In most cases, the affiliated author will be a nurse.