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I am an online student at another university.  Can I do research at GWU library?

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Yes.  In the library, you have access to our databases and study space.  Any member of the general public over sixteen with a valid driver’s license can apply for a Community Patron and check out materials after his/her application has been processed and entered into the system.  Borrowers should complete a form at the Circulation Desk, present a driver’s license, and pay a $25 annual fee. (Carolina Theological Library Consortium students may apply for a free library card.)



Up to 5 items may be checked out; this excludes Reserves, Laptops, and Interlibrary Loan.


Loan Period


Main collection

3 weeks

$0.25 per day

  • If overdue items have a total accumulated fine of $5, the patron may not check out any other materials from the library until the items are returned and the fines paid.

  • Patrons must pay for lost items. This charge may include up to $15 in overdue fines, $15 for a replacement processing fee, plus the actual cost of the item lost.